Virupaksha Temple | Hampi | Bangalore | Karnataka |

 Virupaksha Temple

Virupaksha Temple

Virupaksha is one of the top tourist attractions in Hampi located beside the southern bank of Tungabhadra River. 

The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is also known as Shri Lokeswara Maha Sila Prasada. According to mythology, it dates back to 7th Century AD, and this makes it one amongst the oldest temples in India. Lokamahadevi, the queen of Vikramaditya, built this temple to commemorate her husband’s triumph over the Pallavas of Kanchipuram. 

Since its inception, the complex gradually grew; lamp posts, flag posts, pillars, pillared halls, sub-shrines, towered-gateways, temple kitchen etc were added with the growing time.  UNESCO has considered this temple as a World Heritage Site, as a part of Hampi Group of Monuments. Kailasanatha Temple in Kanchipuram looks somewhat similar to Virupaksha Temple on the basis of plan and elevation.
